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Why was my account Deleted? I didn't delete it!
Accounts are deleted due to lack of use or due to creating multiple non-paying accounts. Accounts with an active Paying membership are NOT deleted (even if you don't chat or log on).

If you have NEVER paid for a membership your account will be automatically deleted if ANY of the following apply:

1) You didn't activate your account within one month of creating the account.
2) You haven't logged in to your account for more than 12 months (1 year).
3) You haven't logged into the account after 1 month of creating the account and the account was created more than 3 months ago (grace period).
4) You haven't either posted publicly more than 20 times in the past 12 months or posted privately within the past 30 days.

If you HAVE paid for a membership (and it's since expired) your account will be automatically deleted if:

1) You haven't either posted publicly more than 20 times in the past 12 months or posted privately within the past 30 days.